Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Different NSA

My good friend Landon is a member of the New Orleans chapter of the National Stuttering Association. They're going to a conference at the end of October so he asked if I would help him out with a shirt design. He wanted it to say "I stutter. Ask me about it." and to have a smiley face so that's what he got...with some personality.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lesbian Pirates VS Ninjas

First of all, Pirates are totally sick but in a fight I'm pretty sure that ninjas would win unless the pirates are super attentive lesbians as well...    Then anything could happen. Go ahead and let your brain chew on that for a little while.

Working on an illustration for a poster supporting same-sex marriage. The characters are super androgynous so that they could literally be anyone...male, female, whatever. I put an early picture of where I'm going with it below. Let me know what's up.

By the way I love the argument that same-sex marriage would corrupt the institution of marriage. About a week ago I saw that some girl got married in a theme park. A theme park! I'm just saying.

This is why I love Germany and all of its people!

This dude definitely knows what's up. Thank you Andreas Heikaus for being alive and awesome at the same time.

Super Mario Bros. from Andreas Heikaus on Vimeo.