Saturday, January 1, 2011

Run Away You Rolling River

This (very) short film broke my heart to pieces. I've never felt more connected to a character so quickly.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Where The Wild Things Still Are

I don't care, I'm still not over this. Love.
Bought the book Wild Things by Dave Eggers a few days ago. I'm absolutely dying to get started.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Have you ever though man I wish iTunes could read my thoughts and emotions and just know what I want to listen to! Well iTunes can't but StereoMood can!

Here are a couple that I've checked out that are totally rad!

Chill Out  Working  Writing


The year begins NOW! Okay, technically it started about three weeks ago but I'm celebrating it now. Here are some pictures!

This is a website with a great example of how background color can dramatically change the the intensity of colors in a photograph. You can see the white to black gradient below the picture. All that you have to do is slide your mouse along it to change the background color.

My grandmother probably wouldn't be able to figure it out but she's 83. I have more faith than that in you!

Sunday, October 17, 2010